#NLEDNoviceNelly does Industry Happy Hour Events

199 100 Next Level Event Design

Novice Nelly: She’s our witty, fun, yet fictitious, team member that takes us on her journey of #epicfails and reminds us we are all in this together. Enjoy!

So like, here’s something crazy…Can you believe it’s already been an entire year that I’ve been a NLED team member? Whhhaaaaaaat!? #CelebrateGoodTimes #TimeFlys #PopThatCork I’ve totally grown as an #EventProf, but don’t worry, I’m totes still a novice and “#Nellifying” moments (#MakingMistakes) All.The.Time.

So what is it about Spring and Industry Networking events? Like this past Tuesday for example… I have to admit, now that I’ve been in the scene for like a year, I’m finding it hard to contain my excitement about seeing industry contacts and new venues, you know, with free food and an open bar… I just wish LinkedIn bubbles would like, float over people’s heads as they walk around… #IKnowYourFaceButNotYourName #VenueRep? #Vendor? #Client!? #DistractedByPhoneLookingYouUp

Anyways, this past Tuesday, I’m totally scrambling to get out of the office, #EmailsWontStop #PrepTomorrowsMeetingAgenda #EventNextWeek and finally grab an Uber to a my first industry event of the season. #Rooftop #Exclusive #Baller #MeetingNLEDTeamThere Fumbling through my purse I realize, *explicative*, I left the stack of business cards on my desk!!! #CantTurnBackNow #Strike1 I have like, 3 cards on me. #ReservedForThrillingConversation I also realize I’m a hungry little monster and haven’t eaten since like breakfast. #EventLife #LifestylesOfTheWorkingAndHungry #HopingForHeavyApps

I get to the venue, grab my name badge and #Hallelu servers with drinks are lining the entry. #SpecialtyCocktail #ThisGoesDownEasy #NetworkingMadeEasier I see Cory and Cathy (#LoveThisTeam) and make a beeline so we can begin our circuit.

#FoodFirst #OoohSliders #FavVendorSighting #LetsChat #DrinkTwo #NellyBreaksOff #NellyNeedsMoreFood #GreatConvoHeresMyCard #FeelinBuzzzzed #FavAcquaintanceSighting #Chatting #InterruptedByPowerNetworker #ThatWasStrange #LetsEat #FoodRunnerStalker #NoFood #OhNiceToSeeYouAgain #WeMetAtThatThing #Nope #OopsThoughtYouWereSomeoneElse #Awkward #FavVendorBringsDrinkThree #StillHungry #OoooohSwag #BrandedSunglasses #FormerColleagueSurpriseSighting #AllTheSqueals #EndlessHugs #LetsHitThePhotoboothWithOurSwag

So like, at three drinks in, I hazily spot Cathy and Cory across the room through my awesome new #SunglassSwag. I reach their circle and find out they like found a blast from their past too! #TotesGreat #Giggling #GreatNightGoodPeople I totes begin to extend my hand when I quickly sense this person is very much a #IHugOnTheFirstIntro type. I totes went in for the handshake. I’ve learned my lesson on hugging protocol #NellyDontHugTheRabbi #StillToReal But of course, it turns into a jumbled mess. #Shake #Wait #NoShake #Hug #WeAreHugging #MyHandIsCaughtBetweenUs #Strike2 #SoAwkward #StillWearingSunglassSwag #IThinkAnotherDrinkHappens #Hiccup

We’re in mid convo when, wait, what is that? #InstantSongID #FirstThreeNotes #MusicMakesMeADD #GetReadyForTheKicker As if in a trance, I am pulled (#LeadMyself) to the middle of the venue near the DJ and start Feeling.That.MUSIC. I’m talking, for real, eyes closed, arms flailing, rocking each sick beat! I take off my blazer. #BecauseDANCE #Restrictive #Sweat When what happens…the DJ immediately breaks into the Prince tribute medley. #CueCrazyEyes #AllTheFeels #NellysLidPopped #LetsGoCrazy Before I even knew what was happening, my arm went straight up in the air #AffixedWithBlazer and I was yelling like a fangirl swinging it in wild rotations above my head. #IwentCrazy #OhNoLetsGo #RIPSweetPrince

Wait, hold up #BlindingEuphoriaReceeds #LightbulbMoment #StarkTruth Girls night? No. Friday Night? Nope. It’s Tuesday night… At an Industry Happy Hour… and I’m the only one feeling the Purple Rain. #NoviceSilence Is it still #Ghosting when everybody watches you run out the door without saying goodbye?

#Strike3 (possibly 4 and 5….)

Cut to: bright and early the next morning as I walk into the office with my internal monologue of, #OMGI’mThatGirl, #HideNellyFromTheWorld #TooMuchLightForThisHeadache #TotesWearingSunglassSwag #ImInTrouble #PastTheProfessionalLimit #DidIOffendAnyone #PassThePainKiller #CauseOfTermination:Embarrassment

I walk into the meeting room and am greeting by #Silence #Smiling #Staring. I’m frozen in the doorway. #SomebodySaySomething Cory finally breaks the silence with, “Well…um… You, uh, really took last night to the next level,” and mimics the fashion blazer helicopter! We all burst out into laughter. Cathy adds, “We know you’ve been working on our marketing and branding, and that you throw your whole self into your work, but how about we shift our focus and take our event next week to the next level instead.” #ROTFL #LMAO #WeHugItOut

Industry Happy Hours. #AmIRight!? I guess I gotta just chalk this one up to experience. So like, we’ve seen that person (or been that person). But I tell you, from now on, Nelly is going to keep those happy hours, well, happy. #AndProfessional We are all #InThisTogether.

Oh, and #AddToCheckList: create #DontBeThatGirl #YoureCutOff cards for discrete internal dispersement. #NewEmployeePolicy


Photo by Patrik Theander / CC BY