1, 2, SPRING!

150 150 Next Level Event Design

Ok – I’m ready. I’m ready for Spring to spring. I’m ready to move out into the garden to live. I want to purge all things in my life, the gray wintery shades outside and inside of my head.

We all know there’s a process – reviewing, planning, and orchestrating what you need, what you want and what you need to get rid of. For a short while I contemplate moving into a new home, so we’re forced to go through things and to avoid this feeling of drawing in a sea of plain old stuff – legos, baby doll clothes, dress up costumes….and there’s the kids stuff on top of all that!  :0) I forgo the move, because the beauty of city living is, that it already makes you think about what you really need and want. If you don’t, you simply have no space to move around.

I’m recycling, free-cycling (donating). I want less, not more. Then we unpack a china set my husband inherited. I count the pieces since I cannot believe the abundance – 82 pieces.  Leave it to Italian Grandparents to have a daily china set that can accommodate 16 diners for a 10 course meal (no, I’m not exaggerating). I realize the advantage, I now can take a week off and not clean one dish. My husband diplomatically points out an alternative: we reorganized the cabinets while purging what we no longer need.

I begin feeling good about things and decide to move into the garage with my newly found frenzy and energy. The first hurdle you ask…? I cannot get into the garage, because of all the boxes. Where did they come from? But then I am encouraged by the thought that with so many boxes there’s bound to be superfluous stuff. I open the first 2 boxes and they are filled – literally overflowing – with more china from the Italian grandparents. I already unpacked the formal matching coffee set, so what could be left you ask>  oh…more settings!  What a relief!  Now we can accommodate 22 guests for the 10 course dinner party….or maybe we should start our own china rental company…? My husband did not follow me into the garage and with no diplomatic intervention…?

I am determined to breathe Spring air and keep diving deeper into my Spring activities. I get the kids involved, I move furniture around, I find exciting new projects in old forgotten corners (don’t ask).

I will decide when it is enough, and then I will buy myself a lovely bouquet of Spring flowers, sit back for a moment and have a cup of tea from a dainty Italian piece of china. Join me – I have enough cups. It feels wonderful to overcome those winter hurdles, and revel in the beauty of a new beginning.