Radio Silence…

150 150 Next Level Event Design

When I started to write this blog, I suddenly realized that it has been months since my last blog. Why the radio silence you ask? It is certainly not because we have been on Sabbatical or lounging on a Tahitian Island. I dream about that vacation but alas…that is not the case!

While there’s been radio silence on the blog front, I can assure you that all channels are active. It’s been a busy few months filled with events, projects and planning. We’ve been diligently working on our revised website and I’m proud to say that it is now live! Please check it out if you have a chance and you can see some of the recent events we’ve produced.

I’m also happy to say that NLED is nearing the finish line for becoming a certified W.B.E. (Women Business Enterprise) by the W.B.E.N.C. (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council). All I can say about that experience is “wow!” It was a lot of work, some research, not to mention a reams-worth of documents from the past 4 and a half years. Yep…wow is the only appropriate word I can come up with. We’re very much looking forward to becoming an active part of the WBENC Community.

Of course in addition to all of that we are in the planning phase of some pretty amazing projects from a 3 day concert and festival for 7500 people each day to a string of multi-day Conferences for 2014, 2015 and 2016 just to mention a few. Yes, we’ve been busy!

As Chicagoans know, we’ve also spent a lot of our spare time enjoying Chicago’s winter weather . I can personally boast that I’ve become a Semi-Professional Snow Shoveler in my spare time. Since snow is fortunately behind is, we as a team will just carry on with what we do best…planning!